Culture & Society


Humboldt Forum

Waiting times on site
  • Open from 18:00 until 02:00
  • Bar Lebenswelten in the Schlüterhof and in the foyer

All areas are accessible at ground level or via elevators.

Tactile floor guidance system, tactile floor plans, Humboldt Forum app and media guide with audio descriptions.

Humboldt Forum app and media guide with videos in German sign language.

Detailed information on barrier-free access can be found here: Further information

  • Equipment for visually impaired
  • Equipment for blind people
  • Equipment for deaf people
  • Equipment for hearing impaired people
  • WC accessible to wheelchairs
  • Elevators accessible to wheelchairs
  • partially wheelchair accessible elevator
  • Parking for people with disabilities
  • Parking available

In addition to the Ethnological Museum and the Museum of Asian Art, the Humboldt Forum is also home to the Stadtmuseum’s Berlin exhibition and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin’s Humboldt Laboratory. The declared aim of the Humboldt Forum is to make its collections – compiled from all around the world – accessible in a new way according to the principle of ‘shared heritage’.

This place is part of the route